COSC Figaro 2s in the Media
Vendée Live (English) – 12/19/20
COSC President Rich Wilson was the guest of host Andi Robertson on the December 19, 2020 edition of Vendée Live (English), which is the daily 0730-0800 EST update of the Vendée Globe at www.vendeeglobe.org. See that video below, and particularly from 28:00 onward, with a special message from Alan Roura and where Andi invites Rich to explain about COSC.
SailNewport Lecture Challenger Series – 12/21/20
Rich was invited by Brad Read, Executive Director of SailNewport, to do the second half hour of their December “Lecture Challenger Series”. Brad’s brother Ken, President of North Sails and America’s Cup announcer would join from New Zealand and give an overview of the AC for the first 30 minutes. Rich gave an overview of Vendée Globe, and also explain about COSC, and its progress with its Figaro 2 fleet to teach fundamental offshore seamanship in colleges and community sailing programs. In the video below, Rich starts at 43m 20s on Vendée Globe , and the COSC Figaro 2s at 1h 05m 15s.